Tax Preparation
Tax Agent Registered with the IRS
Professional, Accurate, Affordable, Timely Tax Preparation
File-In person, File Electronically, File Remotely * Accepting Virtual Clients
E-file/Paper-file: State, Federal, Previous and Current Year
Direct Deposit Option, Loan Advancement, Drop-Off Services
Individual Filing, Business Filing, LLCs, S-Corp,
Meet Your Tax Agent
Mona Epps
Address: 215 E. Arlington Blvd. Suite E Greenville, NC 27858 Office at The PeSuvian Event Venue and Lounge
Vision: M3 Financial Services provide accurate, timely and affordable tax preparation. We offer insurance policies that meet your desires and needs that include whole life, term life, annuities, IULs, IRAs/Roth, etc. Our goal is to assist you with financial planning for optimum results.
Early Filing Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024
Referral Bonuses: $50 - $100 per client
Appointments: Scheduled around client's availability (walk-ins welcome) online or contact us at 252.333.8971
Fees may be paid via: Credit/Debit Card, Cashapp, Tax Deduction or Cash
Visit, call or text: 215 E. Arlington Blvd. Suite E Greenville, NC 27858; call 252.333.8971 or text 252.333.7961
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